All orders are COD, credit card or on open account. No personal checks unless prior arrangements are made and approved. Open
accounts may be arranged by request and by the submission of credit information. Open accounts are payable in full by
the 20th of the month. Any account not paid by the 20th of the month is subject to a 1½% (18%) finance charge and will
be converted to a COD or credit card account. Open accounts with monthly charges of $50.00 or less will be charged a
$5.75 monthly handling fee. Orders will automatically be converted to COD if a check or credit card information is not
sent with an order, or if your open account is past due.
A service charge of $28.00 for all returned checks. Returned checks will not be re-deposited. The total amount of the returned
check together with the service charge of $28.00 will be required to be paid by cash, certified check or money order.
More that three (3) returned checks within a twelve (12) month period will require cash, certified check, credit card,
or money order on all further orders.
Customers not having a tax exemption certificate on file will be charged the applicable tax rate on orders.
Upon request, orders will be shipped by regular United Parcel Service and a nominal shipping charge will be included in the
invoice. Halamay Color Lab, Inc. is not responsible for loss, damage, or delay in shipment caused by any carrier.
Due to the sensitized materials, it may not be possible for reorders to exactly match the original print(s). Should you desire
a close match, please return the original print(s) with your reorder.
Should a remake be necessary, please include the following:
- Clearly state the correction to be made;
- Return original print(s);
- Return the original work envelope and a new work envelope along with the negative or disk.
If you need to change an order that is already in production but has not yet been printed, the requested change should be
made by email or fax and a charge of $5.00 will be added to the order.
A 20% discount on samples prints, for all pre-approved, established customers, during the periods of January 1st through
August 31st only. Any sample prints ordered between the periods of September 1st through December 31st will be billed
at the regular price.
Images which we deem as inappropriate, obscene, offensive or in poor taste, will be returned unprocessed.
We would like to assure our customers that we would not copy or reproduce any materials that are copyrighted, without their
written permission, thereby protecting our customer and the work they created. We serve the right to refuse any order
that contains material suspected of copyright violations.
Although your photographic and/or digital materials will receive professional handling, submitting any film, disk, print,
slide, negative, digital image or any photographic material for processing, printing or other handling constitutes an
agreement by you that damage or loss by our company, subsidiary or agent, even though due to the negligence or other
fault of our company, subsidiary or agents, will only entitle you to replacement with a like amount of unexposed film,
disk or processing. Except for such replacement, the acceptance by us or our subsidiary and/or agents of the photographic
and/or digital materials, is without warranty or liability and any recovery for an incidental or consequential damage
is excluded.
For a nominal fee, Halamay Color Lab, Inc. can design custom products, which are a creative process and are undertaken to
convey a specific message for your targeted audience. Creative and unique designs will make your products standout and
will keep your products new and fresh. Designs can include a logo, artwork and other elements unique to the activity
and to your customer.
All products and supplies designed by Halamay Color Lab, Inc. are copyrighted and are the sole property of Halamay
Color Lab, Inc. Any fees charged by Halamay Color Lab, Inc. constitute a product transaction and do not transfer any
rights of design ownership.
Please contact the lab for more information.