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Founded in 1958 by Walter Halamay with the help of his wife Pauline, we began with a goal to provide the professional photographer with quality products at competitive prices and personal service.

With Walter's interest in professional photography and with his insatiable curiosity in new technology, the lab grew. From black and white, to color, to digital.

Our first color prints were printed in 1966 and our conversion to digital began in 1996. As digital photography began to grow in importance, Halamay Color Lab changed with the times and is now a full optical and digital lab, providing all needs and services for today's photographer. Walter passed away in 1999, but he left a proud tradition that is being carried on by his son, Ed and his daughter Luba.

The high standards set by Walter and Pauline (who is now retired), are still being offered today with an experienced staff and state-of-the-art equipment. From the very beginning, superior quality and customer satisfaction have been our goals and we feel that understanding our customer's needs is the beginning of building a solid working relationship.

At Halamay Color Lab we strive to provide you with the best service, price and quality.

Our success is determined by your success. and we strive to make your business grow by customizing our product line to fit your needs.

Digital capture or film capture, quality always comes first.